Glowbal Restaurant Group’s Commitment – Navigating COVID – 19 (updated March 2021)
Message from Emad Yacoub, President & CEO
It is with utmost sincerity that I can address you all, now that we have reopened all of our restaurants amidst a very challenging time for everyone. There have been some sweeping changes over the last several months and I ask that we continue to band together like we always do as “we will get through this together” and I THANK YOU for your continued support. The safety and well-being of our staff and guests remain paramount and this will never change as we invite you into our restaurants and as per our company philosophy, have you treated like guests in our homes! We hope to have you come and visit in a comfortable environment and enjoy quality time with your Family and Loved Ones. We have taken the following necessary precautions to educate you with our Health & Safety protocols.
Policy and safety protocols have been implemented and are strictly being adhered to so that we keep everyone safe. Following are industry-specific protocols currently in force but not limited too;
- Patrons must be able to maintain a distance of two meters from other patrons unless they are separated by physical barriers.
- Patrons must be assigned to a table, booth or counter, shown to their seats and remain seated throughout their visit, unless using a self-serve food or non-alcoholic drink station, washroom facilities or when entering/leaving the premises. The exception to this is patrons in premises with a manufacturing license, such as tasting rooms, who may go to the bar to be served a drink. However, they must return to their seat afterwards. There must be sufficient staff members to ensure that patrons remain seated and do not congregate.
- There must be no more than six patrons seated at a table or booth, even if they belong to the same party. Moving between tables is not permitted and a distance of two meters must be maintained, unless a physical barrier is in place, even if members of the same party are seated at the adjacent table(s).
Additionally, all food and liquor service establishment operators must:
- constantly monitor the number of patrons present on their premises and ensure that this number does not exceed the maximum number recorded in their safety plan.
- assess their premises and the areas outside their premises for places where patrons may congregate or queue. Barriers, markers or other methods should be used to guide and assist patrons in maintaining a distance of two meters from other patrons and this must be closely monitored by staff.
Employee Sick Policy
- Any employee experiencing symptoms of Covid-19 must stay home – only allowed to return to work with a doctor’s approval note.
- Any employee who has travelled outside of Canada must quarantine themselves for 14 days from the date they arrive back into Canada and must not have symptoms.
- Upon entry to the premise daily, each employee must complete the Covid-19 check – temperature recorded, apply a mask, sanitize hands.
- If an employer is not satisfied that a worker has carried out and passed the daily health check, the employer must not permit the worker to work at the workplace.
- A worker who has not carried out and passed the daily health check or not advised the employer that the worker has carried out and passed the daily health check must not work at the workplace.
- All uniforms must be cleaned daily and not worn to work.
- ***Protocols for when an employee develops symptoms during their shift? The employee must immediately notify a manager. Go home/get tested. Disinfect the symptomatic employee’s work station and any other high-touch surfaces they came into contact with – note the employee is to keep in contact with their direct supervisor regarding their progress.
What workers should know:
- You are NOT expected to disclose the results of your COVID-19 test or any other medical test to your employer.
- You must not go to work if you are ill. If you feel ill:
- Check for symptoms of COVID-19, or
- Use the online BC COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool, or
- Contact your health care provider, or call 8-1-1.
- Stay home and follow self-isolate or self-monitor
- Consider getting a COVID-19 test.
- When you are asked to self-isolate or quarantine by public health
- You must stay home for the full period even if you have a negative COVID-19 test. This can be 14 days or longer if you are a close contact. Follow self-isolation guidance.
- If you feel ill and then get a COVID-19 test and your test is
- Negative: do not go back to work until you feel well. Continue self-isolation
- Positive: do not go back to work for at least 14 days AND until you feel well and follow self-isolation guidance.
What employers should know:
- Do not let employees come to work sick. Part of your COVID-19 Safety Plan is to implement a daily worker health check. This should be documented and available for inspectors' review.
- You do not have the right to ask workers for a copy of their test result (e.g., text message result or other statement).
- You should not ask workers for a doctor's note clearing them to work. You will be contacted by public health if there is a reason to investigate a COVID-19 case or cluster in your premises. Your local public health department will identify anyone who may have been in contact with the person who tested positive for COVID-19. They may also visit your premise to offer specific advice. Public health may not contact you if the exposure is low risk for you, your visitors, or patrons.
- We have taken the necessary measures to ensure this practice in place with physical barriers or table distance apart are enforced - physical distancing measures help mitigate this risk.
- Signage is posted in the workplace stating that every person must maintain a minimum of 2 meter (or 6 feet) distance from each other and that physical distancing will be enforced.
- Eliminate hand-to-hand contact with customers (handshakes, fist bumps, high-fives, etc.).
- Waiting areas rearranged – consider things like removing chairs and benches, asking guests to wait outside for a table, posting signs, stanchions, etc.
- Created separate take-out and dine-in protocols. Create a door or path separate from dine-in customers for payment and/or pickup if possible. Introduced clear signage for take-out versus dine-in and in and outdoors. Greeter upon guest entrance is behind plexiglass and assigning tables.
- Maintain a 2-meter distance from other workers and guests staff are asked to wear mask (kitchen staff must wear gloves and masks) – staff are not allowed to huddle in groups.
- Hand sanitizer is placed at the door and throughout the restaurant for customers and employee use.
- Plexiglass barriers have been placed at the bar and payment areas.
- Floors are marked with tape to maintain a protocol for accessing and using washroom facilities where a 2 meter or 6 feet separation cannot be maintained.
- When passing other people in hallways, doorways, stairwells and other areas, keep as much distance between you as possible, do not touch each other when passing (i.e. high five or handshake) and turn your face away from the other person as you pass.
- When walking in groups, stay single file with 2 meters distance between each person. Do not walk side by side.
- If you need to hand an item to another person, place it down on a surface and step away to allow the other person to retrieve it from a safe distance.
- Contact information of at least one guest per table is recorded for future reference if needed – customer contact information is recorded in our SEVENROOMS reservation system noting the contact phone number, email address, number of guests – all information recorded stays in the system for future reference - # of visits etc…
- Tables are preset with cutlery roll-ups and individual disinfectant pads.
- Have guests pour their own water by providing water in a bottle or jug at the table.
- Have servers leave food and drinks at the front of the table and let guests pass them after the server has stepped away.
- Have a designated place for the server to come to the table, similar to the open side of a booth. This ensures that workers don't have to squeeze in between customers.
- Remove salt and pepper shakers, sauce dispensers, candles, and other tabletop items. Provide if requested and replace with thoroughly cleaned and sanitized ones. Consider single-use options.
- If customers ask to take unfinished food with them, provide packaging and let the customer put the food into the container.
- Use digital menus boards or online pre-ordering alternatives instead of traditional menus. If this is not possible, consider single-use disposable menus.
- Try to limit the use of cash and limit the handling of credit cards and loyalty cards whenever possible, by allowing customers to scan or tap their cards and handle the card readers themselves. Encourage tap payment over pin pad use.
- Staff a person to direct or install floor decals to facilitate the flow of people during busy times.
- Disinfectant wipes placed at every table setting.
- Guest tables and chairs are wiped with sanitizer after every use.
In addition to physical distancing, appropriate personal hygiene is extremely important for preventing the spread of infectious diseases. All persons in the workplace must follow these procedures at all times:
- Wash your hands when you enter and leave the facility, when you enter and leave the production areas, before and after you prepare or eat food or smoke, after you sneeze, cough, use the washroom, handle waste or touch any surface that may be contaminated. (signage to be posted) Please note that hands also need to be washed before putting on gloves.
- hand sanitizer with a minimum alcohol content of 60% should be used frequently. Sanitize often, between each customer transaction if possible.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth - cough or sneeze into a tissue or into the crook of your arm. Immediately discard used tissues.
- Continually disinfect all surfaces.
- Do not physically touch any other person in the workplace, unless for provide help or first aid, and only when that person gives their permission.
- If you are required to wear gloves, be sure to change and dispose as per restaurant protocol. Do not touch your face with gloved hands. Take care when removing gloves. Ensure you wash your hands after removing them. Note that face coverings need to cover the nose and mouth. It has now been determined that face shields alone are not an adequate face covering.
- If you are required to wear a face mask or goggles, ensure they are not shared and are cleaned regularly. Ensure the goggles or face shield does not result in touching your face more often because of heat or discomfort.
- If you are sick, stay home / go home. Attending the workplace when sick puts everyone else at risk. Ensure to report your illness to your manager immediately, referencing the Medical Resource Guide
- Staff are to eat in a designated area sitting 2 meters apart – stagger eating times.
- Common customer touched surfaces like serving counters, tabletops and PIN pads, must be disinfected after each use.
- Surfaces that have frequent contact with hands (key touchpoints) should be cleaned and disinfected frequently and when visibly dirty. Examples include doorknobs, telephones, elevator buttons, light switches, toilet handles, dispensers and sink taps.
- POST hand washing signs near all sinks – staff washrooms/staff rooms/kitchens/etc… continually communicate good handwashing practices.
- Increase cleaning between seatings. Tables, vinyl or laminated menus, and vinyl/leather/metal seats should be wiped when tables turn. Remove all items when turning a table, for example, unused cutlery, children’s coloring paper, and crayons. Clarify procedures for cleaning staff areas and train accordingly.
- Clean bathrooms thoroughly and on a more frequent basis. Install additional touch-free soap and paper towel dispensers if possible.
- Enhance cleaning of all frequent touchpoints including walls, tables, chairs, barstools, coasters, condiments, coat hooks, restrooms, doors including the front door, restroom door, staff doors to office, kitchen, and breakroom. Hygiene practices have been established that address the needs of the workplace that includes the requirement to wash or sanitize hands after coming into contact with public items.
- Cleaning schedules have been developed to assign and train a person who is responsible for completing cleaning tasks and ensuring these tasks are completed.
- Create a process to track what has been cleaned, when, and by whom.
- Enhanced cleaning and disinfecting practices for high-contact areas such as surfaces in public serving-zones; incorporating regular and end-of-shift cleaning and disinfection for all shared spaces; and ensuring workers are provided with appropriate supplies, such as soap and water, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes.
- ALL surfaces in the kitchen are to be continually cleaned with a sanitizer at 200ppm
- ALL fridge doors, oven door handles, elevator areas, door handles – basically non-food contact surfaces are to be sanitized minimum 4 times per morning and then again for the evening shift. Kitchen equipment such as the cryovac machine is to be sanitized after each use with a sanitizer at 1200pp. ***sanitizers are clearly labeled in the ‘mop closet’ – sanitizer of 1200ppm is on the left and the sanitizer of 200ppm is on the right – clearly labeled.
- NOTE: Grassroots #2 SDS Product technical information sheets are in the mop room. This product sanitizes at 200ppm and requires no rinsing – this is for cleaning all contact surfaces that are used for food preparation on a continual basis. This same product disinfects at 400ppm with a 10-minute contact time and requires to be rinsed with potable water. The 200ppm kills 99.97 % 0f pathogens, the 400ppm and above kills 100% of pathogens.
- Establish a system to eliminate or minimize sharing of communal equipment and small tools (implements). Any shared equipment such as small appliances, mixers, etc. should be cleaned between use and workers should wash their hands.
- Ingredients and containers that are often shared should be included in your cleaning protocol.
- High touch equipment (freezer doors, oven handles, knobs) should be included in your cleaning protocol.
- Develop and establish additional handwashing procedures for all kitchen staff – 20 second rule. This includes before and after leaving the kitchen and using equipment.
- Kitchen staff are required to wear gloves and masks during their entire shift.
Deliveries are dropped off at the door or outside buildings; call ahead and/or text instructions so the deliverer is aware of any site requirements and the customer can be ready to accept the delivery.

590 W GEORGIA | 604 602 0835

1054 ALBERNI ST | 604 685 5010

1032 ALBERNI ST | 604 637 0777

1032 ALBERNI ST | 604 637 0777